
  • 24-28 November 2024- International Conference on Nature-Based Solutions to Combat Climate Change

FAO-Sustainable Management of Mountainous Forest and Land Resources under Climate Change Conditions – Kyrgyzstan-2018

Nursery and Afforestation Training for Kyrgyzstan (2019)

FAO-Forest Fires Training for Kyrgyzstan (2019)

FAO-Forest Fires Training for FAO SEC Countries (2021)

FAO-Conference on Climate Change Impact on Forests of Central Asia (2021)

FAO-Conference on Climate Change Impact on Forests of Central Asia (2021)

Training Workshop on Safeguarding Native Tree Species for Conservation of Genetic Biodiversity in Central Asia (2021)

Participation to SilvaMed – 7th Mediterranean Forest Week

Active Involvement to the World Forestry Congress-2/6 May 2022

Moldova Bilateral Cooperation Meetings

Moldova Visit

Forest and Ecosystem Summit 11-13 November 2022