OMO-FAOSEC Cooperation

OMO has been working closely with FAO since 2019.
Within the scope of LoAs signed with FAO, OMO has completed the drafting of three projects.

  1. Restoration of Degraded Forests and Other Lands
  2. Strengthening the collaboration between FAO and MAF through enhancing of the capacity of the International forestry training center
  3. Improving biodiversity and sustainable forestry

OMO contributed to the drafting of 2 World Bank projects, in total around 600 milllion USD.

  1. Turkey Resilient Landscape Integration Project (TULIP)
  2. Türkiye Climate Resilient Forests Project

OMO prepared following guidelines for FAO as follows:

  1. Guidelines on Sustainable Management of Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) ,
  2. Guidelines on Sustainable Forest Management under the Impact of Climate Change in Central Asia ,
  3. Guidelines on Safeguarding Native Tree Species for Conservation of Genetic Biodiversity in Central Asia ,
  4. Guidelines on the Implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NBSs) to Combat Negative Impact of Climate Change on Forestry for Central Asia.
  5. The Guidelines for Ecosystem Restoration for the Aral Sea Region: Integrating UN Decade, FAO Solutions, and Native Tree Species Conservation (Underway)

OMO carried out 9 international trainings.

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  • Training Programme for Kyrgyz Participants for Forest Training Center in Antalya
  • Development of the draft of the full-fledged project document on ‘Restoration of Degraded Forests and Other Lands” –FRIENDS
  • Biophysical Data Assessment in support of Monitoring of the Restoration Activities under the Great Green Wall Initiative
  • Provision of Technical Guidelines on Sustainable Management of Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) and the Status Reports on Specific Selected Products
  • “Conducting economic and social impact assessments for developing Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Instruments for formulation and implementation of the Bolaman River Basin Rehabilitation Project”
  • “Conducting economic and social impact assessments for developing Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Instruments for formulation and implementation of the Çekerek River Basin Rehabilitation Project”
  • “Development of the Guidelines on Sustainable Forest Management under the Impact of Climate Change in Central Asia including organization of a Conference on Climate Change Impact on Forests of Central Asia and development of the Guidelines on Safeguarding Native Tree Species for Conservation of Genetic Biodiversity in Central Asia including organization of the related Training workshop”
  • Preparation and implementation of training on fire management including  development training desing and materials
  • “Development of the drafts of two full-fledged project documents on ‘Strengthening the collaboration between FAO and MAF through enhancing of the capacity of the International forestry training centre` and `Improving biodiversity and sustainable forestry` ”
  • Communication Services for at the 7th Mediterranean Forest Week (2-25 March 2022)
  • Development of the guidelines on the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbSs) to combat negative impact of climate change on forestry for the sub-region and providing associated training

OMO-FAOSEC Cooperation

Member of the Union of European Foresters (UEF)

Member of the Council of European Foresters (CEF)

Observer Status to the;

  • Forest Europe (Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe)
  • Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO)
  • UNCCD-the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
  • CBD-The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
  • COFO-The Committee on Forestry (COFO) of FAO
  • UNECE-United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  • UNFF-United Nations Forum on Forest