The Chamber of
Forest Engineers

OMO, a non-profit NGO, was established under the Turkish Engineer and Architect Chambers Union Law in 1954.
OMO is a corporate body and a professional organization inline with the Turkish Constitution.
The Main Regulation (2006) defines the objectives of OMO.
  • OMO, a non-profit NGO, was established on 4 February 1954 within the framework of “the Law on Turkish Union of Chambers Engineer and Architect (TMMOB), Numbered 6235”.
  • OMO is a corporate body and a professional organization defined in the form of a public institution as stated in the Article 135 of the Constitution. OMO also has public legal entity.
  • ARTICLE 135 of Turkish Constitution as follows- “Professional organizations having the characteristics of public institutions and their higher bodies are public corporate bodies established by law, with the objectives of meeting the common needs of the members of a given profession, to facilitate their professional activities, to ensure the development of the profession in keeping with common interests, to safeguard professional  discipline and ethics in order to ensure integrity and trust in relations among its members and with the public; their organs shall be elected by secret ballot by their members in accordance with the procedure set forth in the law, and under judicial supervision
  • Beside the Foundation Law, there is another Law No. 5531 entitled “The Law on Forest Engineers, Forest Industrial Engineers and Woodworking Industrial Engineers.” dated July 8, 2006.
  • According to this Law, OMO is the legal representative of three different professional groups as follows:
  • Forest Engineers,
  • Forest Industrial Engineers, and
  • Woodworking Industrial Engineers.
  • Currently the Chamber of Forest Engineers has about 20 thousand active members.
  • A large number of its members work in forestry related departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF) specifically in the General Directorate of Forests and the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks,
  • In addition, there are members working in public institutions such as;
  • General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion of the Ministryy of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change,
  • General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works of MoAF and
  • General Directorate of Highways of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.
  • On the other hand, there are members working in their own workplace and working in private sector companies.
  • As of today, there are approximately 1500 offices and companies operating under the occupational law no. 5531 under the coordination of OMO.
The Chamber of Forest Engineers